My job on that projet.
Creative Direction.
Global identity and graphic design.
Also part of the team as the president of the non-profit Vues D'en bas.
Creative Direction.
Global identity and graphic design.
Also part of the team as the president of the non-profit Vues D'en bas.
Team. France Habitation - Emmaüs solidarité - Apollo sporting club - Vues D'en bas.
Results.2nd place of the tender.
Results.2nd place of the tender.

At the end of 2014, Anne Hidalgo launched "Réinventer Paris", a call for innovative urban projects, an unprecedented initiative with international repercussions. The Mayor of Paris had launch the 2nd edition, which explore the potential of Paris's underground.
Launched in November 2014, the call for innovative urban projects "Reinventing Paris" gave the opportunity to talent around the world to build the Paris of tomorrow. 372 projects were submitted to the City of Paris, covering 23 sites. They were the result of multi-faceted teams from all over the world, mixing architects, urban planners, promoters, artists, startups, designers, landscapers and citizen collectives.
This call for projects has profoundly modified the ways of planning. The implementation of the winning projects is now proving its effectiveness. On the strength of this success, Anne Hidalgo and her deputy Jean-Louis Missika decided to renew this fantastic contest in 2017.
This second edition takes on a new dimension, based on Parisian basements. This is the promise of sites both remarkable and unknown, sources of challenges and exceptional potential. It will bring together, alongside the City of Paris, several partners - including EFIDIS, Paris Habitat, RATP, Renault, the RIVP and SNCF - who have agreed to open up to this original method of development.
With our project L'Hôtel des possibles, we won the second place of the tender.